Our Vision:-

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”says the Bhagavad Geeta .  Vision plays a pivotal  role in the life of an individual or institution to march forward in the right direction.

V.V.Giri Govt.Kalasala, Dumpagadapa has been serving the higher educational needs of the entire population of Kolleru back ward area in West Godavari Dist. since its inception in  1974.  It was established with a colossal vision by Former  Minister and Freedom Fighter Sri Chintalapati Sitaramachandra Vara Prasada Murthy Raju.  Vision is arterial  to run the institution in the right direction.  Vision statement is an embodiment of the endeavour of the College.   It should inspire all the stakeholders striving to pursue  it.  The activities and future plans of our College are guided by its Vision and Mission that focus on making quality assurance an integral part of its functioning.  The college has been progressing year after year, expanding its services to the society and keeping pace with the changing times.

Our Vision is……

Our Vision is . . . . . .

“To transform this remote part of Andhra Pradesh into a knowledge society by making higher education accessible to every Youngman and woman of this region and inculcate creativity and innovative spirit and scientific temper among the youth and help them scale the heights of excellence in their lives.”

Our Mission:-

            Setting the goals is an intellectual exercise which can be accomplished very easily, but achieving them needs co-ordination and co-operation from all the stakeholders.  To achieve the goals that we have set in our vision statement needs an effort and planning.  For that we need a mission.  Mission answers the question “Why do we exist”

Our Mission is……..

  • To strengthen the college with all infrastructure facilities and make them available to the students.
  • To train the students with restructured curriculum to strengthen their job opportunities.
  • To promote and envisage ethical and cultural values among the students with an endeavour  to regenerate the ideal Indian dynamic spirit.
  • To create a Conducive atmosphere of higher learning and enable  the young students acquire potential knowledge to empower themselves and utilize it to the betterment of the society.
  • To raise the quality of education and making the college as an effective human resource development institution under the changing conditions.
  • To equip the students with essential global competitive skills so as to meet the demands of the society.

Guided by its Vision and Striving to achieve its Mission V.V.Giri Govt. Kalasala , Dumpagadapa is continuing its efforts with no stone unturned to become one of the best colleges in Andhra Pradesh.


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