Examination Committee

 Dr. T. Ogeswara Rao , Lecturer in Telugu & Vice-Principal Controller of Examinations
Sri. U. Srinivasa Rao, Lecturer in Political Science  Member 
Sri. G. Sanjeeva Raju, Lecturer in commerce Member 
Sri. P. Chandra Rao, Record Assistant Member

Examinations cell looks after the conduct of university examinations being an affiliated college as well as internal tests and exams at college level. This committee prepares internal exam schedule and implements according to academic calendar and submit report regularly to the principal of the college.

It fecilitate students to receive the consolidated marks statement of Adikavi Nannaya University,Rajamundry.

It reviews implementation of Continuous Internal Assesment   as per the guidelines of Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Mangalagiri.

It Formulates guidelines for teachers to prepare the Mid – Examination question paper for different Subjects and helps in using ICT for formative assessment.

 It assists to forward the applications of students for the recounting and revaluation of answer scripts as the case may be and also efforts to resolve the grievances raised by students if any

This Examination cell works under the supervision of controller of the examinations of the college nominated by principal.






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