“ The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms. This, we believe, is no more rhetoric. In a world based on science and technology, it is education that determines the levels of prosperity, welfare and security of people”. This was a reflection in the report of the Education Commission, 1964-1966. The commission further elaborates that it is the quality of human beings coming out of the learning centers which would determine the success or failure of national efforts for reconstruction and development. For a prosperous nation, however, the foundation stone is its sound educational system. Gandhiji continuously pleaded for according prominent position to learning vocational skills and utilizing these as means to cultivate the mental, physical and spiritual facilities of the learners. Education is thus, the means to achieve the goals of progress and prosperity.

                           Any analysis of the socio-economic, cultural and religious content of any country would remain incomplete unless the nature, content and process of its educational endeavors are also analyzed simultaneously. Any   transformation in human approach and attitude can never be achieved   unless a supportive pattern of education is evolved. The entire world is talking of fighting against the terrorism of various kinds, social, economic, colonial, military etc. The only right weapons and approaches would be information, knowledge and wisdom. All other weapons have outlived their utility. These are the days of mind power. Right education is the key to peace and prosperity.

                           V.V.Giri Govt Kalasala, Dumpagadapa is situated in a small village located in the heart of Kolleru Lake area in West Godavari Dist. The students are poor and do not dare to go to distant areas for Higher Education.

                            A Junior college was started in 1972 by a Gandhian and Sarvodaya Leader.
Sri Ch.V.P.Murthy Raju. The trust, Bapiraju Dharma Samstha, founded by him later started a degree college also in this rural area during the year 1974.

                   The local philanthropists donated a valuable site of 14.05 acres for both the Junior and Degree colleges established by the Bapiraju Dharma Samstha.

                     The Degree college is named after the former President Sri Varahagiri Venkata Giri. The College passed through many inconveniences during the course of its development. The Govt. had taken over the College on 20.09.1978 and the physical take over was done on 09.04.1997. The college fulfils the educational needs of the youth of six mandals in a radius of twenty five  KMs.

                    During 1993-94, a development committee was formed with the local leaders. The Committee constructed a pucca building with ten class rooms at a cost of RS.25 lakhs with the funds provided by the local M.L.A., and the M.P. LADS, in addition to the charity of the public during 1995-96. Later, five class rooms were constructed on the 1st floor over the existing building from the Govt. budget in the year 2003-04.

             V.V.Gigiri Government Kalasala is unique in many respects. There is no parallel to this institution since not even thirty percent local candidates pursue studies in the college, majority of the student community, each day commuting from about twenty five villages in this most backward area. Most of them belong to the disadvantaged communities with a very low economic profile. During the last three decades of its existence, the college made impressive strides in improving the quality of life of the people of this area in general and those who graduated from the institution in particular. The college made tremendous impact on the life style and the ethos of the people.

                     The year 2007 is remarkable in the history of this college since the institution is accredited by NAAC with B+ . No body ever thought of a small unit in a remote place would be assessed and accredited on par with ivory towers of learning in the country. I believe “In small proportions, we see Beauties” It is true when compared to other institutions of higher education, the institution has many limitations. However, it has its own ethos. A humble attempt is being made to put together the aspirations and achievements. This endeavour has provided the college community an opportunity for retrospection and introspection.



            ‘Men may come and men may go,

            But this institution goes on forever’


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