Alumni Association Activities Reports

Activities performed by the Alumni shall be in line with the Objectives of the Association.

The objectives are as follows:

  1.  To provide a platform for meeting and exchange of ideas among the alumni, present student, faculty members and other members.
  2.  To pursue and sustain excellence in education by interaction between the alumni, faculty and present students of the Institute.
  3.  To extend all assistance and cooperation to the Institute in its endeavours for the growth and development of education and research in the field of law.
  4.  To confer scholarship and awards for deserving past and present students of the Institute for educational and research purposes as per the terms and conditions to be laid down by the Board of Management of the Association.
  5.  To encourage and assist the students of the Institute in various academic and cultural activities.
  6.  To establish endowments by donation to extend financial and other assistance to deserving past and present students of the Institute for educational purposes as per the terms and conditions mutually decided with the Board of Management of the Association.
  7.  To generate funds through donation for conducting activities for achieving the objectives of the Association.
  8.  To create corpus of funds for furtherance of Alumni activities.
  9.  To provide a common platform for exchange of ideas and disseminating knowledge in professional areas.
  10. To perform any other constructive activities leading towards the enhancement of skill and knowledge of all the members of the Association.


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